You want in nice, green lawn, so you head to the Big Box garden store where they have a big sale on fertilizer and weed killer. You pour on the fertilizer and spray the weeds, and a week later your yard looks pretty good. It’s green and the weeds have shriveled. You’re smugly thinking you have the best lawn in the neighborhood. But, you’ve just turned your lawn into an addict!
Soon your lawn starts looking a little distressed, so you start watering it twice a day. But, the more you water the less improvement you see, and the quicker the grass looks poor again. Why is this happening?
It’s happening because you’re giving it a nitrogen-rich formula that is much like eating a candy bar and soda for lunch – the grass gets a quick dose of ‘sugar’, but the 'high' quickly wears off as the commercial fertilizer is absorbed and washed away. Your lawn feels empty and goes into panic mode.
Does this look like your lawn? |
So, you water and water in a vain attempt to “save it”. All that extra watering does is wash away whatever beneficial nutrients are left, and enable the grass to be “lazy” and not send down a good root system, since all its 'food' is sitting an inch or so below the surface.
This turns into a vicious cycle as more and more fertilizer applications and more frequent watering bring results that don’t last long, and eventually your lawn just won’t green up. It has overdosed on chemical fertilizers, and the toxins have killed off the helpful little bugs like ladybugs, lacewings and earthworms, which are beneficial to soil health. Your soil is very sick and devoid of nutrients, and your lawn needs rehabilitation.
Another problem with conventional fertilizers is that they do not deliver the full range of nutrients necessary for real plant health. The nitrogen content ensures green grass, but the color is a false indicator of health.
Organic to the Rescue
Hedahl Landscape's spray-on organic fertilizer being applied. |
Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, provide a non-water-soluble chemical mix that is like a high-protein meal which takes longer for the plants break down and absorb. Since it isn’t easily dissolved in water, it won’t wash away like conventional fertilizers. It sticks around and is available to your grass longer, instead of draining into the water table.
As if that weren’t enough, chemical fertilizers can directly degrade your soil, thus damaging grass when used over the long-term. Improper application of inorganic fertilizers can create pH imbalances and lead to a build-up of salts and nitrates, which can pollute wells, lakes and streams. These chemicals damage microorganisms in the soil, especially the aerobic ones that help with decomposition.
So, before your lawn is on life support, help it kick the chemical habit with some organic intervention. With the right nutrients and time, your lawn will look green and healthy, and won’t be as high maintenance, either.
Hedahl Landscape has an organic granular fertilizer that is applied two to four times a year, or a liquid spray-on organic fertilizer that is applied six times a year. Both of these products are healthy for the soil and improve the root structure of the grass, and are not toxic to humans or pets. Call us at
360-340-1141 for a free estimate for your lawn, and help it kick the habit!